Auditing grant compliance

  Has your organization received any public or private grants to fund its growth? Grants sometimes require an independent audit by a qualified accounting firm. Here’s what grant recipients should know to help facilitate matters and ensure compliance at all levels. Federal compliance Federal awards require compliance with the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and…

Comparing internal and external audits

Businesses use two types of audits to gauge financial results: internal and external. Here’s a closer look at how they measure up. Focus Internal auditors go beyond traditional financial reporting. They focus on a company’s internal controls, accounting processes and ability to mitigate risk. Internal auditors also evaluate whether the company’s activities comply with its…

Private companies: Beware of SEC scrutiny

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) doesn’t monitor just publicly traded companies. It also looks at the dealings of some private companies, often to the surprise of their owners and executives. Reasons for SEC scrutiny The SEC’s mission is to protect the public as well as the integrity of the financial markets. That mission extends…

Attention: Accounting rule delays in the works

On July 17, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) voted to issue a proposal that would delay several landmark accounting rules for certain companies. If finalized, the deferral would apply to new guidance for reporting leases, hedging transactions, credit losses and long-term insurance contracts. Summary of the changes The following table summarizes key implementation date…